2-Pin Nissan Knock Sensor Sub-Harness Connector – S13 SR20DET (Engine Loom Side)
The knock sensor wiring on S13 SR20DET Silvia / 180SX models has a 2-wire sub-harness that goes from the knock sensor up to the intake manifold. This connector is found on the engine loom side of the knock sensor sub-harness by the intake manifold.
Also suits the knock sensor sub-harness on VG30 300ZX models.
Note that while this connector is also used for a number of other applications (e.g. fuel pump cradle) on various Nissan models, it is NOT the same connector used on alternators. The alternator connector uses 6.3mm wide terminals and is physically much larger than this connector.
Connector comes with connector housing, terminals and seals.
Please check your original connector’s shape and keying before purchasing!